Objects in GraphQL represent the resources you can access. An object can contain a list of fields, which are specifically typed.


A connection to a list of Category values.


nodes ( [Category]! )A list of Category objects.
edges ( [CategoriesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Category and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Category you could get from the connection.


A Category edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Category )The Category at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
categoryId ( BigInt! )no description provided
name ( String! )no description provided
xCategoryId ( String )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
disclaimer ( String )no description provided
archived ( Datetime )no description provided
taxRateId ( BigInt! )no description provided
images ( JSON )no description provided
imageEnabledTimestamp ( Datetime )no description provided
posColor ( String )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Category.
products ( ProductsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Product.
productsList ( [Product!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Product.
menuCategories ( MenuCategoriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuCategory.
menuCategoriesList ( [MenuCategory!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuCategory.


A resource representing an Employee at a location


userId ( BigInt )no description provided
name ( String )no description provided
displayName ( String )no description provided
verified ( Datetime )no description provided
locationUuid ( String )no description provided
archived ( Datetime )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Employee.
timeEntries ( TimeEntriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
timeEntriesList ( [TimeEntry!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
userRoles ( UserRolesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of UserRole.
userRolesList ( [UserRole] )Reads and enables pagination through a set of UserRole.


A connection to a list of Employee values.


nodes ( [Employee]! )A list of Employee objects.
edges ( [EmployeesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Employee and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Employee you could get from the connection.


A Employee edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Employee )The Employee at the end of the edge.


A resource representing a Guest on a Tab


name ( String )no description provided
locationUuid ( String )no description provided
tabUuid ( String )no description provided
feedback ( String )no description provided
handle ( String )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Guest.
tab ( Tab )Reads a single Tab that is related to this Guest.


A connection to a list of Guest values.


nodes ( [Guest]! )A list of Guest objects.
edges ( [GuestsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Guest and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Guest you could get from the connection.


A Guest edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Guest )The Guest at the end of the edge.


A connection to a list of Inventory values.


nodes ( [Inventory]! )A list of Inventory objects.
edges ( [InventoriesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Inventory and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Inventory you could get from the connection.


A Inventory edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Inventory )The Inventory at the end of the edge.


A resource representing inventory data.


id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
inventoryId ( BigInt! )no description provided
name ( String )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt )no description provided
created ( Datetime )no description provided
archived ( Datetime )no description provided
key ( String )no description provided
type ( InventoryType )no description provided
units ( InventoryUnits )no description provided
impactsAvailability ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )no description provided
detached ( Boolean )no description provided
tracked ( Boolean )no description provided
inventoryLevel ( BigFloat )no description provided
stockLevel ( BigFloat )no description provided
parLevel ( BigFloat )no description provided
reservedQuantity ( BigFloat )no description provided
idealReservedQuantity ( BigFloat )no description provided
lowLevelComponents ( JSON )no description provided
nextLevelComponents ( JSON )no description provided
instructionComponents ( JSON )no description provided
pathComponents ( [BigInt] )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Inventory.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
itemId ( BigInt! )GoTab internal item identifier
tabId ( BigInt! )GoTab internal tab identifier
name ( String! )The name of the item
quantity ( BigFloat! )Numeric value indicating the number of items ordered
created ( Datetime! )Timestamp when the item was added to the cart
updated ( Datetime )no description provided
productId ( BigInt )GoTab internal product identifier
unitPrice ( Int )The price charged for a single unit of the item, expressed in cents as an integer
taxRate ( BigFloat )Numeric(10,4) indicating the tax rate charged on the item
externalItemId ( String )The identifier of the item in an external system, if applicable
taxRateDetail ( JSON )A breakdown of the various tax rates applied to the item
status ( ItemStatus )no description provided
parentItemId ( BigInt )Points to the initial item on which the refund/comp/void occurred
orderRuleId ( BigInt )If populated, it indicates that the item is linked to a fee or discount
sku ( String )no description provided
removed ( Datetime )no description provided
tab ( Tab )Reads a single Tab that is related to this Item.
product ( Product )Reads a single Product that is related to this Item.
parentItem ( Item )Reads a single Item that is related to this Item.
itemsByParentItemId ( ItemsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Item.
itemsByParentItemIdList ( [Item!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Item.
adjustments ( ItemAdjustmentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
adjustmentsList ( [ItemAdjustment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
options ( [ItemOptions]! )no description provided



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
itemAdjustmentId ( BigInt! )no description provided
tabId ( BigInt! )no description provided
paymentId ( BigInt )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
parentItemId ( BigInt )no description provided
quantity ( BigFloat! )no description provided
created ( Datetime! )no description provided
fiscalDay ( Date! )no description provided
productId ( BigInt! )no description provided
unitPrice ( Int! )no description provided
adjustmentType ( AdjustmentTypeEnum! )no description provided
adjustmentReason ( String )no description provided
xItemId ( String )no description provided
tab ( Tab )Reads a single Tab that is related to this ItemAdjustment.
payment ( Payment )Reads a single Payment that is related to this ItemAdjustment.
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this ItemAdjustment.
parentItem ( Item )Reads a single Item that is related to this ItemAdjustment.
product ( Product )Reads a single Product that is related to this ItemAdjustment.


A connection to a list of ItemAdjustment values.


nodes ( [ItemAdjustment]! )A list of ItemAdjustment objects.
edges ( [ItemAdjustmentsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the ItemAdjustment and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all ItemAdjustment you could get from the connection.


A ItemAdjustment edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( ItemAdjustment )The ItemAdjustment at the end of the edge.



name ( String! )no description provided
shortName ( String! )no description provided
isProduct ( Boolean! )no description provided
price ( Int! )no description provided
quantity ( Int! )no description provided


A connection to a list of Item values.


nodes ( [Item]! )A list of Item objects.
edges ( [ItemsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Item and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Item you could get from the connection.


A Item edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Item )The Item at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
name ( String! )no description provided
locationUuid ( String! )no description provided
timezone ( String! )no description provided
orderEnabled ( Boolean )no description provided
urlName ( String )no description provided
autogratPercent ( BigFloat! )no description provided
type ( LocationType )no description provided
address ( String )no description provided
defaultRouters ( [BigInt] )no description provided
kdsChatAvailable ( Boolean! )no description provided
thumbnailImages ( JSON )no description provided
requiresExplicitAcl ( Boolean! )no description provided
customerReceiptHeader ( String )no description provided
customerReceiptFooter ( String )no description provided
pinLength ( Int! )no description provided
autoDispatchPrintOnOrder ( Boolean! )no description provided
autoClockoutPolicy ( String )no description provided
estimatedFulfillmentEnabled ( Boolean! )no description provided
notifyOnClockout ( Boolean )no description provided
tabsRefundModeEnabled ( Boolean! )no description provided
openTabPreauthInitialOrder ( Boolean! )no description provided
openTabPreauthPaymentTerminal ( Boolean! )no description provided
readOnly ( Boolean )no description provided
userRoles ( UserRolesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of UserRole.
userRolesList ( [UserRole!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of UserRole.
categories ( CategoriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Category.
categoriesList ( [Category!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Category.
products ( ProductsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Product.
productsList ( [Product!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Product.
tabs ( TabsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Tab.
tabsList ( [Tab!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Tab.
timeEntries ( TimeEntriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
timeEntriesList ( [TimeEntry!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
inventories ( InventoriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Inventory.
inventoriesList ( [Inventory!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Inventory.
itemAdjustments ( ItemAdjustmentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
itemAdjustmentsList ( [ItemAdjustment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
timePunchTypes ( TimePunchTypesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimePunchType.
timePunchTypesList ( [TimePunchType!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimePunchType.
employees ( EmployeesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Employee.
employeesList ( [Employee!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Employee.
guests ( GuestsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Guest.
guestsList ( [Guest!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Guest.
menuCategories ( MenuCategoriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuCategory.
menuCategoriesList ( [MenuCategory!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuCategory.
menuProducts ( MenuProductsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuProduct.
menuProductsList ( [MenuProduct!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuProduct.
menus ( MenusConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Menu.
menusList ( [Menu!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Menu.


A connection to a list of Location values.


nodes ( [Location]! )A list of Location objects.
edges ( [LocationsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Location and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Location you could get from the connection.


A Location edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Location )The Location at the end of the edge.


A resource representing a GoTab Menu


id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
menuId ( BigInt! )no description provided
urlName ( String )no description provided
name ( String )no description provided
displayOrder ( Int )no description provided
locationUuid ( String )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Menu.
menuCategoriesByMenuId ( MenuCategoriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuCategory.
menuCategoriesByMenuIdList ( [MenuCategory!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuCategory.


A connection to a list of MenuCategory values.


nodes ( [MenuCategory]! )A list of MenuCategory objects.
edges ( [MenuCategoriesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the MenuCategory and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all MenuCategory you could get from the connection.


A MenuCategory edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( MenuCategory )The MenuCategory at the end of the edge.


A resource representing categories on a GoTab Menu


id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
menuCategoryId ( BigInt! )no description provided
label ( String )no description provided
description ( String )no description provided
menuId ( BigInt )no description provided
categoryId ( BigInt )no description provided
displayOrder ( Int )no description provided
locationUuid ( String )no description provided
menu ( Menu )Reads a single Menu that is related to this MenuCategory.
category ( Category )Reads a single Category that is related to this MenuCategory.
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this MenuCategory.
menuProductsByCategoryId ( MenuProductsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuProduct.
menuProductsByCategoryIdList ( [MenuProduct!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of MenuProduct.


A resource representing products on a GoTab Menu


id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
productId ( BigInt! )no description provided
xName ( String )no description provided
name ( String )no description provided
basePrice ( Int )no description provided
displayPrice ( String )no description provided
description ( String )no description provided
categoryId ( BigInt )no description provided
locationUuid ( String )no description provided
category ( MenuCategory )Reads a single MenuCategory that is related to this MenuProduct.
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this MenuProduct.


A connection to a list of MenuProduct values.


nodes ( [MenuProduct]! )A list of MenuProduct objects.
edges ( [MenuProductsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the MenuProduct and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all MenuProduct you could get from the connection.


A MenuProduct edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( MenuProduct )The MenuProduct at the end of the edge.


A connection to a list of Menu values.


nodes ( [Menu]! )A list of Menu objects.
edges ( [MenusEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Menu and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Menu you could get from the connection.


A Menu edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Menu )The Menu at the end of the edge.


Information about pagination in a connection.


hasNextPage ( Boolean! )When paginating forwards, are there more items?
hasPreviousPage ( Boolean! )When paginating backwards, are there more items?
startCursor ( Cursor )When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
endCursor ( Cursor )When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
paymentId ( BigInt! )no description provided
tabId ( BigInt! )no description provided
amount ( Int! )no description provided
tipAmount ( Int )no description provided
name ( String )no description provided
created ( Datetime! )no description provided
paymentType ( String! )no description provided
xPaymentId ( String )no description provided
paymentSource ( String )no description provided
last4 ( String )no description provided
status ( String )no description provided
authAmount ( Int! )no description provided
authTipAmount ( Int )no description provided
autograt ( Int )no description provided
customerFee ( Int! )no description provided
parentPaymentId ( BigInt )no description provided
authAutograt ( Int )no description provided
tax ( Int! )no description provided
authTax ( Int! )no description provided
comp ( Int )no description provided
authComp ( Int )no description provided
subtotal ( Int! )no description provided
authSubtotal ( Int! )no description provided
zip ( String )no description provided
preauthAmount ( Int )no description provided
fiscalDay ( Date! )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
tokenizedPaymentMethod ( JSON )no description provided
paymentMode ( PaymentMode! )no description provided
tab ( Tab )Reads a single Tab that is related to this Payment.
parentPayment ( Payment )Reads a single Payment that is related to this Payment.
paymentsByParentPaymentId ( PaymentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Payment.
paymentsByParentPaymentIdList ( [Payment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Payment.
itemAdjustments ( ItemAdjustmentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
itemAdjustmentsList ( [ItemAdjustment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.


A connection to a list of Payment values.


nodes ( [Payment]! )A list of Payment objects.
edges ( [PaymentsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Payment and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Payment you could get from the connection.


A Payment edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Payment )The Payment at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
productId ( BigInt! )GoTab internal product identifier
categoryId ( BigInt )GoTab internal category identifier
xProductId ( String )The product identifier from an external system
name ( String! )The name of the product as it will appear to the customer.
locationId ( BigInt! )GoTab internal location identifier
created ( Datetime )The timestamp when the product was first created
basePrice ( Int )The price of the product expressed as an integer
description ( String )The product description. Limit of 150 characters.
routerIds ( [BigInt] )Denotes the stations from which the product will print
orderEnabled ( Boolean )Boolean indicating whether or not the product is orderable. When enableTimestamp is not null the product is 86d and will re-enable the next day.
archived ( Datetime )Timestamp indicating when the product was archived. When null, product is active.
options ( JSON! )Column containing options structure for the product. Please see full documentation for detailed structure.
taxRateId ( BigInt )GoTab internal identifier for the corresponding tax rate
displayPrice ( String )The price the guest sees. Will default to unit price if left null
prepTime ( Int )The time it takes (in minutes) to prepare the product. Null indicates no prep time.
shortName ( String )The name that appears on the kds or printed chit
enableTimestamp ( Datetime )When populated, indicates the time at which the product is to be re-enabled
productUuid ( String! )no description provided
productType ( ProductType! )no description provided
images ( JSON )no description provided
orderLimit ( BigInt )Sets a limit of the number of items a guest can order in a single order
videoUrl ( String )no description provided
videoEnabled ( Boolean )no description provided
accountProcessorId ( BigInt )no description provided
showPrepTime ( Boolean! )no description provided
posColor ( String )no description provided
category ( Category )Reads a single Category that is related to this Product.
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Product.
items ( ItemsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Item.
itemsList ( [Item!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Item.
itemAdjustments ( ItemAdjustmentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
itemAdjustmentsList ( [ItemAdjustment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
inventory ( Inventory )no description provided
isProductFee ( Boolean )no description provided


A connection to a list of Product values.


nodes ( [Product]! )A list of Product objects.
edges ( [ProductsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Product and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Product you could get from the connection.


A Product edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Product )The Product at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
tabId ( BigInt! )GoTab internal tab identifier
locationId ( BigInt! )GoTab internal location identifier
tabUuid ( String )Unique identifier for the tab
name ( String )The name associated with the tab
total ( Int )The current tab total expressed in cents as an integer
subtotal ( Int )The current tab subtotal expressed in cents as an integer
tax ( Int )The current tab tax expressed in centas as an integer
created ( Datetime! )The timestamp when the tab was created
status ( String! )Indicates the tab status as either: PENDING, CLOSED, OPEN or VOIDED
opened ( Datetime )The timestamp when the tab was opened
fiscalDay ( Date! )no description provided
externalTabId ( String )The tab identifier in an external system, if applicable
autograt ( Int )The current tab autogratuity expressed in cents as an integer
balanceDue ( Int )The portion of the tab yet to be paid
autogratDue ( Int )no description provided
gotabOrder ( Boolean )Boolean indicating whether or not the tab belongs to GoTab
customerId ( BigInt )no description provided
segmentIds ( [BigInt] )no description provided
taxExemptionId ( String )no description provided
tabMode ( TabMode! )no description provided
disableProductTags ( [String] )no description provided
discoverableTo ( Datetime )no description provided
tippedSubtotal ( Int )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Tab.
items ( ItemsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Item.
itemsList ( [Item!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Item.
payments ( PaymentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Payment.
paymentsList ( [Payment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Payment.
itemAdjustments ( ItemAdjustmentsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
itemAdjustmentsList ( [ItemAdjustment!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of ItemAdjustment.
guests ( GuestsConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Guest.
guestsList ( [Guest!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Guest.
closed ( Datetime )no description provided
numGuests ( Int )no description provided
orderType ( String )no description provided
zones ( ZonesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Zone.
zonesList ( [Zone] )Reads and enables pagination through a set of Zone.


A connection to a list of Tab values.


nodes ( [Tab]! )A list of Tab objects.
edges ( [TabsEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Tab and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Tab you could get from the connection.


A Tab edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Tab )The Tab at the end of the edge.


A connection to a list of TimeEntry values.


nodes ( [TimeEntry]! )A list of TimeEntry objects.
edges ( [TimeEntriesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the TimeEntry and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all TimeEntry you could get from the connection.


A TimeEntry edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( TimeEntry )The TimeEntry at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
timeEntryId ( BigInt! )no description provided
timeShiftId ( BigInt )no description provided
timePunchEntryUuid ( String! )no description provided
paidDuration ( Int! )no description provided
unpaidDuration ( Int! )no description provided
totalDuration ( Int! )no description provided
punchIn ( Datetime! )no description provided
punchOut ( Datetime )no description provided
timePunchTypeId ( BigInt! )no description provided
created ( Datetime! )no description provided
archived ( Datetime )no description provided
userId ( BigInt! )no description provided
userRoleId ( BigInt! )no description provided
fiscalDay ( Date! )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
rate ( Int )no description provided
autoClosed ( Datetime )no description provided
timeShift ( TimeEntry )Reads a single TimeEntry that is related to this TimeEntry.
timePunchType ( TimePunchType )Reads a single TimePunchType that is related to this TimeEntry.
userRole ( UserRole )Reads a single UserRole that is related to this TimeEntry.
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this TimeEntry.
employee ( Employee )Reads a single Employee that is related to this TimeEntry.
timeEntriesByTimeShiftId ( TimeEntriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
timeEntriesByTimeShiftIdList ( [TimeEntry!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
breaks ( TimeEntriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
breaksList ( [TimeEntry] )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
isShift ( Boolean )no description provided
shift ( TimeEntry )no description provided



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
timePunchTypeId ( BigInt! )no description provided
timePunchTypeUuid ( String! )no description provided
timePunchTypeName ( String! )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
isPaid ( Boolean! )no description provided
isShift ( Boolean! )no description provided
created ( Datetime! )no description provided
archived ( Datetime )no description provided
minDuration ( Int )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this TimePunchType.
timeEntries ( TimeEntriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
timeEntriesList ( [TimeEntry!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.


A connection to a list of TimePunchType values.


nodes ( [TimePunchType]! )A list of TimePunchType objects.
edges ( [TimePunchTypesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the TimePunchType and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all TimePunchType you could get from the connection.


A TimePunchType edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( TimePunchType )The TimePunchType at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
userRoleId ( BigInt! )no description provided
userRoleUuid ( String! )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
roleName ( String! )no description provided
acl ( String! )no description provided
created ( Datetime! )no description provided
archived ( Datetime )no description provided
rate ( Int )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this UserRole.
timeEntries ( TimeEntriesConnection! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.
timeEntriesList ( [TimeEntry!]! )Reads and enables pagination through a set of TimeEntry.


A connection to a list of UserRole values.


nodes ( [UserRole]! )A list of UserRole objects.
edges ( [UserRolesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the UserRole and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all UserRole you could get from the connection.


A UserRole edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( UserRole )The UserRole at the end of the edge.



id ( ID! )A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
zoneId ( BigInt! )no description provided
locationId ( BigInt! )no description provided
name ( String! )no description provided
created ( Datetime )no description provided
requiresAddress ( Boolean! )no description provided
type ( ZoneType )no description provided
asapOrderingEnabled ( Boolean! )no description provided
requireNameOnScan ( Boolean! )no description provided
serverTabsDiscoverable ( Boolean! )no description provided
zoneUuid ( String )no description provided
location ( Location )Reads a single Location that is related to this Zone.


A connection to a list of Zone values.


nodes ( [Zone]! )A list of Zone objects.
edges ( [ZonesEdge!]! )A list of edges which contains the Zone and cursor to aid in pagination.
pageInfo ( PageInfo! )Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount ( Int! )The count of all Zone you could get from the connection.


A Zone edge in the connection.


cursor ( Cursor )A cursor for use in pagination.
node ( Zone )The Zone at the end of the edge.