Ordering Errors

These are the common errors you might see when creating and updating tabs, orders, and items.

ORDER_NOT_FOUNDThe order referenced in the query could not be found.
ORDER_STATUS_CONFLICTThe operation could not be completed because the status of the order conflicts with the allowable statuses for the operation.
ORDER_UPDATE_ERROROne or more properties of the order could not be updated due to one or more constraints.
ORDER_NOT_REFUNDABLEThe order status does not conflict with the ability to refund, but the order cannot currently be refunded for one or more reasons.
SCHEDULED_DATE_INVALIDThe date provided is not acceptable either because it's in the past or because the spot referenced is not available at the time requested.
SPOT_INVALIDThe spot provided either does not exist or could not be added to the order due to other constraints.