Input Objects in GraphQL represent the acceptable input to queries or fields.


A filter to be used against AdjustmentTypeEnum fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [AdjustmentTypeEnum!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [AdjustmentTypeEnum!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against BigFloat fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( BigFloat )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( BigFloat )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( BigFloat )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( BigFloat )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [BigFloat!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [BigFloat!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( BigFloat )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( BigFloat )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( BigFloat )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( BigFloat )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against BigInt fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( BigInt )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( BigInt )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( BigInt )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( BigInt )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [BigInt!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [BigInt!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( BigInt )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( BigInt )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( BigInt )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( BigInt )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against BigInt List fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( [BigInt] )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( [BigInt] )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( [BigInt] )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( [BigInt] )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
lessThan ( [BigInt] )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( [BigInt] )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( [BigInt] )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( [BigInt] )Greater than or equal to the specified value.
contains ( [BigInt] )Contains the specified list of values.
containedBy ( [BigInt] )Contained by the specified list of values.
overlaps ( [BigInt] )Overlaps the specified list of values.
anyEqualTo ( BigInt )Any array item is equal to the specified value.
anyNotEqualTo ( BigInt )Any array item is not equal to the specified value.
anyLessThan ( BigInt )Any array item is less than the specified value.
anyLessThanOrEqualTo ( BigInt )Any array item is less than or equal to the specified value.
anyGreaterThan ( BigInt )Any array item is greater than the specified value.
anyGreaterThanOrEqualTo ( BigInt )Any array item is greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against Boolean fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( Boolean )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( Boolean )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( Boolean )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( Boolean )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [Boolean!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [Boolean!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( Boolean )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( Boolean )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( Boolean )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( Boolean )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against Category object types. All fields are tested
for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


categoryId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s categoryId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
xCategoryId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s xCategoryId field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
disclaimer ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s disclaimer field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
taxRateId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s taxRateId field.
images ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s images field.
imageEnabledTimestamp ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s imageEnabledTimestamp field.
posColor ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s posColor field.


A filter to be used against Category object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


categoryId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s categoryId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
xCategoryId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s xCategoryId field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
disclaimer ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s disclaimer field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
taxRateId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s taxRateId field.
images ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s images field.
imageEnabledTimestamp ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s imageEnabledTimestamp field.
posColor ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s posColor field.
and ( [CategoryFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [CategoryFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( CategoryFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against Date fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( Date )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( Date )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( Date )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( Date )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [Date!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [Date!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( Date )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( Date )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( Date )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( Date )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against Datetime fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( Datetime )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( Datetime )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( Datetime )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( Datetime )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [Datetime!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [Datetime!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( Datetime )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( Datetime )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( Datetime )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( Datetime )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against Employee object types. All fields are tested
for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


userId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s userId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
displayName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s displayName field.
verified ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s verified field.
locationUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s locationUuid field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.


A filter to be used against Employee object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


userId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s userId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
displayName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s displayName field.
verified ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s verified field.
locationUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s locationUuid field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
and ( [EmployeeFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [EmployeeFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( EmployeeFilter )Negates the expression.


All input for the goGetItemLocation mutation.


itemId: ( BigInt! )No description.
locationIds: ( BigInt! )No description.
clientMutationId: ( String )An arbitrary string value with no semantic meaning. Will be included in the payload verbatim. May be used to track mutations by the client.


All input for the goGetMenuCategoryLocation mutation.


menuCategoryId: ( BigInt! )No description.
locationIds: ( BigInt! )No description.
clientMutationId: ( String )An arbitrary string value with no semantic meaning. Will be included in the payload verbatim. May be used to track mutations by the client.


All input for the goGetOrderLocation mutation.


orderId: ( BigInt! )No description.
locationIds: ( BigInt! )No description.
clientMutationId: ( String )An arbitrary string value with no semantic meaning. Will be included in the payload verbatim. May be used to track mutations by the client.


A condition to be used against Guest object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
locationUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s locationUuid field.
tabUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s tabUuid field.
feedback ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s feedback field.
handle ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s handle field.


A filter to be used against Guest object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
locationUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s locationUuid field.
tabUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s tabUuid field.
feedback ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s feedback field.
handle ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s handle field.
and ( [GuestFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [GuestFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( GuestFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against ImpactsAvailabilityType fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [ImpactsAvailabilityType!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [ImpactsAvailabilityType!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against Int fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( Int )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( Int )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( Int )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( Int )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [Int!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [Int!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( Int )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( Int )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( Int )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( Int )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against Inventory object types. All fields are tested
for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


inventoryId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s inventoryId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
key ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s key field.
type ( InventoryType )Checks for equality with the object’s type field.
units ( InventoryUnits )Checks for equality with the object’s units field.
impactsAvailability ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Checks for equality with the object’s impactsAvailability field.
detached ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s detached field.
tracked ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s tracked field.
inventoryLevel ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s inventoryLevel field.
stockLevel ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s stockLevel field.
parLevel ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s parLevel field.
reservedQuantity ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s reservedQuantity field.
idealReservedQuantity ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s idealReservedQuantity field.
lowLevelComponents ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s lowLevelComponents field.
nextLevelComponents ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s nextLevelComponents field.
instructionComponents ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s instructionComponents field.
pathComponents ( [BigInt] )Checks for equality with the object’s pathComponents field.


A filter to be used against Inventory object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


inventoryId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s inventoryId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
key ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s key field.
type ( InventoryTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s type field.
units ( InventoryUnitsFilter )Filter by the object’s units field.
impactsAvailability ( ImpactsAvailabilityTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s impactsAvailability field.
detached ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s detached field.
tracked ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s tracked field.
inventoryLevel ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s inventoryLevel field.
stockLevel ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s stockLevel field.
parLevel ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s parLevel field.
reservedQuantity ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s reservedQuantity field.
idealReservedQuantity ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s idealReservedQuantity field.
lowLevelComponents ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s lowLevelComponents field.
nextLevelComponents ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s nextLevelComponents field.
instructionComponents ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s instructionComponents field.
pathComponents ( BigIntListFilter )Filter by the object’s pathComponents field.
and ( [InventoryFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [InventoryFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( InventoryFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against InventoryType fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( InventoryType )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( InventoryType )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( InventoryType )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( InventoryType )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [InventoryType!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [InventoryType!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( InventoryType )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( InventoryType )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( InventoryType )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( InventoryType )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against InventoryUnits fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( InventoryUnits )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( InventoryUnits )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( InventoryUnits )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( InventoryUnits )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [InventoryUnits!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [InventoryUnits!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( InventoryUnits )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( InventoryUnits )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( InventoryUnits )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( InventoryUnits )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against ItemAdjustment object types. All fields are
tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


itemAdjustmentId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s itemAdjustmentId field.
tabId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.
paymentId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s paymentId field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
parentItemId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s parentItemId field.
quantity ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s quantity field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscalDay field.
productId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s productId field.
unitPrice ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s unitPrice field.
adjustmentType ( AdjustmentTypeEnum )Checks for equality with the object’s adjustmentType field.
adjustmentReason ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s adjustmentReason field.
xItemId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s xItemId field.


A filter to be used against ItemAdjustment object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


itemAdjustmentId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s itemAdjustmentId field.
tabId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s tabId field.
paymentId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s paymentId field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
parentItemId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s parentItemId field.
quantity ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s quantity field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
fiscalDay ( DateFilter )Filter by the object’s fiscalDay field.
productId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s productId field.
unitPrice ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s unitPrice field.
adjustmentType ( AdjustmentTypeEnumFilter )Filter by the object’s adjustmentType field.
adjustmentReason ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s adjustmentReason field.
xItemId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s xItemId field.
and ( [ItemAdjustmentFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [ItemAdjustmentFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( ItemAdjustmentFilter )Negates the expression.


A condition to be used against Item object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


itemId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s itemId field.
tabId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
quantity ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s quantity field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
updated ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s updated field.
productId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s productId field.
unitPrice ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s unitPrice field.
taxRate ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s taxRate field.
externalItemId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s externalItemId field.
taxRateDetail ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s taxRateDetail field.
status ( ItemStatus )Checks for equality with the object’s status field.
parentItemId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s parentItemId field.
orderRuleId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s orderRuleId field.
sku ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s sku field.
removed ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s removed field.


A filter to be used against Item object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


itemId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s itemId field.
tabId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s tabId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
quantity ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s quantity field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
updated ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s updated field.
productId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s productId field.
unitPrice ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s unitPrice field.
taxRate ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s taxRate field.
externalItemId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s externalItemId field.
taxRateDetail ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s taxRateDetail field.
status ( ItemStatusFilter )Filter by the object’s status field.
parentItemId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s parentItemId field.
orderRuleId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s orderRuleId field.
sku ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s sku field.
removed ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s removed field.
and ( [ItemFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [ItemFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( ItemFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against ItemStatus fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( ItemStatus )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( ItemStatus )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( ItemStatus )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( ItemStatus )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [ItemStatus!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [ItemStatus!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( ItemStatus )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( ItemStatus )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( ItemStatus )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( ItemStatus )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against JSON fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( JSON )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( JSON )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( JSON )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( JSON )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [JSON!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [JSON!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( JSON )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( JSON )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( JSON )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( JSON )Greater than or equal to the specified value.
contains ( JSON )Contains the specified JSON.
containsKey ( String )Contains the specified key.
containsAllKeys ( [String!] )Contains all of the specified keys.
containsAnyKeys ( [String!] )Contains any of the specified keys.
containedBy ( JSON )Contained by the specified JSON.


A condition to be used against Location object types. All fields are tested
for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
locationUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s locationUuid field.
timezone ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s timezone field.
orderEnabled ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s orderEnabled field.
urlName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s urlName field.
autogratPercent ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratPercent field.
type ( LocationType )Checks for equality with the object’s type field.
address ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s address field.
defaultRouters ( [BigInt] )Checks for equality with the object’s defaultRouters field.
kdsChatAvailable ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s kdsChatAvailable field.
thumbnailImages ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s thumbnailImages field.
requiresExplicitAcl ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s requiresExplicitAcl field.
customerReceiptHeader ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s customerReceiptHeader field.
customerReceiptFooter ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s customerReceiptFooter field.
pinLength ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s pinLength field.
autoDispatchPrintOnOrder ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s autoDispatchPrintOnOrder field.
autoClockoutPolicy ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s autoClockoutPolicy field.
estimatedFulfillmentEnabled ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s estimatedFulfillmentEnabled field.
notifyOnClockout ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s notifyOnClockout field.
tabsRefundModeEnabled ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s tabsRefundModeEnabled field.
openTabPreauthInitialOrder ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s openTabPreauthInitialOrder field.
openTabPreauthPaymentTerminal ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s openTabPreauthPaymentTerminal field.
readOnly ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s readOnly field.


A filter to be used against Location object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
locationUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s locationUuid field.
timezone ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s timezone field.
orderEnabled ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s orderEnabled field.
urlName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s urlName field.
autogratPercent ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s autogratPercent field.
type ( LocationTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s type field.
address ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s address field.
defaultRouters ( BigIntListFilter )Filter by the object’s defaultRouters field.
kdsChatAvailable ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s kdsChatAvailable field.
thumbnailImages ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s thumbnailImages field.
requiresExplicitAcl ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s requiresExplicitAcl field.
customerReceiptHeader ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s customerReceiptHeader field.
customerReceiptFooter ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s customerReceiptFooter field.
pinLength ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s pinLength field.
autoDispatchPrintOnOrder ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s autoDispatchPrintOnOrder field.
autoClockoutPolicy ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s autoClockoutPolicy field.
estimatedFulfillmentEnabled ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s estimatedFulfillmentEnabled field.
notifyOnClockout ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s notifyOnClockout field.
tabsRefundModeEnabled ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s tabsRefundModeEnabled field.
openTabPreauthInitialOrder ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s openTabPreauthInitialOrder field.
openTabPreauthPaymentTerminal ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s openTabPreauthPaymentTerminal field.
readOnly ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s readOnly field.
and ( [LocationFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [LocationFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( LocationFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against LocationType fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( LocationType )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( LocationType )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( LocationType )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( LocationType )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [LocationType!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [LocationType!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( LocationType )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( LocationType )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( LocationType )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( LocationType )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against MenuCategory object types. All fields are
tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


menuCategoryId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s menuCategoryId field.
label ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s label field.
description ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s description field.
menuId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s menuId field.
categoryId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s categoryId field.
displayOrder ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s displayOrder field.
locationUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s locationUuid field.


A filter to be used against MenuCategory object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


menuCategoryId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s menuCategoryId field.
label ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s label field.
description ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s description field.
menuId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s menuId field.
categoryId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s categoryId field.
displayOrder ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s displayOrder field.
locationUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s locationUuid field.
and ( [MenuCategoryFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [MenuCategoryFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( MenuCategoryFilter )Negates the expression.


A condition to be used against Menu object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


menuId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s menuId field.
urlName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s urlName field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
displayOrder ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s displayOrder field.
locationUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s locationUuid field.


A filter to be used against Menu object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


menuId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s menuId field.
urlName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s urlName field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
displayOrder ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s displayOrder field.
locationUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s locationUuid field.
and ( [MenuFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [MenuFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( MenuFilter )Negates the expression.


A condition to be used against Order object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


autogratTaxRateDetail ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratTaxRateDetail field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
dispatched ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s dispatched field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscaldDay field.
isAsap ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s isAsap field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
orderId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s orderId field.
orderPrepTimeMs ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s orderPrepTimeMs field.
orderUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s orderUuid field.
placed ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s placed field.
prepared ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s prepared field.
recalled ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s recalled field.
scheduled ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s scheduled field.
sent ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s send field.
status ( OrderStatus )Checks for equality with the object’s status field.
statusChanged ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s statusChanged field.
tabId ( BigIn )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.


A filter to be used against Order object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


and ( [OrderFilter!])Checks for all expressions in this list.
autogratTaxRateDetail ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratTaxRateDetail field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for all expressions in this list.
dispatched ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s dispatched field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscaldDay field.
isAsap ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s isAsap field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
not ( JSON )Negates the expression.
or ( JSON )Checks for any expressions in this list.
orderId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s orderId field.
orderPrepTimeMs ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s orderPrepTimeMs field.
orderUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s orderUuid field.
placed ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s placed field.
prepared ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s prepared field.
recalled ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s recalled field.
scheduled ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s scheduled field.
sent ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s send field.
status ( OrderStatus )Checks for equality with the object’s status field.
statusChanged ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s statusChanged field.
tabId ( BigIn )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.


A filter to be used against OrderStatus fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


distinctFrom ( OrderFilter )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
equalTo ( OrderFilter )Equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( OrderFilter )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( OrderFilter )Greater than or equal to the specified value.
in ( [OrderFilter!] )Included in the specified list.
isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
lessThan ( OrderFilter )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( OrderFilter )Less than or equal to the specified value.
notDistinctFrom ( OrderFilter )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notEqualTo ( OrderFilter )Not equal to the specified value.
notIn ( [OrderFilter!] )Not included in the specified list.


A condition to be used against Payment object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


paymentId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s paymentId field.
tabId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.
amount ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s amount field.
tipAmount ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s tipAmount field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
paymentType ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s paymentType field.
xPaymentId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s xPaymentId field.
paymentSource ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s paymentSource field.
last4 ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s last4 field.
status ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s status field.
authAmount ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s authAmount field.
authTipAmount ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s authTipAmount field.
autograt ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s autograt field.
customerFee ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s customerFee field.
parentPaymentId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s parentPaymentId field.
authAutograt ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s authAutograt field.
tax ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s tax field.
authTax ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s authTax field.
comp ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s comp field.
authComp ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s authComp field.
subtotal ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s subtotal field.
authSubtotal ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s authSubtotal field.
zip ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s zip field.
preauthAmount ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s preauthAmount field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscalDay field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
tokenizedPaymentMethod ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s tokenizedPaymentMethod field.
paymentMode ( PaymentMode )Checks for equality with the object’s paymentMode field.


A filter to be used against Payment object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


paymentId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s paymentId field.
tabId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s tabId field.
amount ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s amount field.
tipAmount ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s tipAmount field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
paymentType ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s paymentType field.
xPaymentId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s xPaymentId field.
paymentSource ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s paymentSource field.
last4 ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s last4 field.
status ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s status field.
authAmount ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s authAmount field.
authTipAmount ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s authTipAmount field.
autograt ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s autograt field.
customerFee ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s customerFee field.
parentPaymentId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s parentPaymentId field.
authAutograt ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s authAutograt field.
tax ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s tax field.
authTax ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s authTax field.
comp ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s comp field.
authComp ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s authComp field.
subtotal ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s subtotal field.
authSubtotal ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s authSubtotal field.
zip ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s zip field.
preauthAmount ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s preauthAmount field.
fiscalDay ( DateFilter )Filter by the object’s fiscalDay field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
tokenizedPaymentMethod ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s tokenizedPaymentMethod field.
paymentMode ( PaymentModeFilter )Filter by the object’s paymentMode field.
and ( [PaymentFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [PaymentFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( PaymentFilter )Negates the expression.


A condition to be used against Product object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


productId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s productId field.
categoryId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s categoryId field.
xProductId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s xProductId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
basePrice ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s basePrice field.
description ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s description field.
routerIds ( [BigInt] )Checks for equality with the object’s routerIds field.
orderEnabled ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s orderEnabled field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
options ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s options field.
taxRateId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s taxRateId field.
displayPrice ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s displayPrice field.
prepTime ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s prepTime field.
shortName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s shortName field.
enableTimestamp ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s enableTimestamp field.
productUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s productUuid field.
productType ( ProductType )Checks for equality with the object’s productType field.
images ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s images field.
orderLimit ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s orderLimit field.
videoUrl ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s videoUrl field.
videoEnabled ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s videoEnabled field.
accountProcessorId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s accountProcessorId field.
showPrepTime ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s showPrepTime field.
posColor ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s posColor field.


A filter to be used against Product object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


productId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s productId field.
categoryId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s categoryId field.
xProductId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s xProductId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
basePrice ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s basePrice field.
description ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s description field.
routerIds ( BigIntListFilter )Filter by the object’s routerIds field.
orderEnabled ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s orderEnabled field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
options ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s options field.
taxRateId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s taxRateId field.
displayPrice ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s displayPrice field.
prepTime ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s prepTime field.
shortName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s shortName field.
enableTimestamp ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s enableTimestamp field.
productUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s productUuid field.
productType ( ProductTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s productType field.
images ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s images field.
orderLimit ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s orderLimit field.
videoUrl ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s videoUrl field.
videoEnabled ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s videoEnabled field.
accountProcessorId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s accountProcessorId field.
showPrepTime ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s showPrepTime field.
posColor ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s posColor field.
isProductFee ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s isProductFee field.
and ( [ProductFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [ProductFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( ProductFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against ProductType fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( ProductType )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( ProductType )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( ProductType )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( ProductType )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [ProductType!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [ProductType!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( ProductType )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( ProductType )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( ProductType )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( ProductType )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against Spot object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
spotId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s spotId field.
spotUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s spotUuid field.
urlName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s urlName field.
zoneId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s zoneId field.


A filter to be used against Spot object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


and ( [SpotFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
not ( [SpotFilter )Negates the expression.
or ( SpotFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
spotId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s spotId field.
spotUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s spotUuid field.
urlName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s urlName field.
zoneId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s zoneId field.


A filter to be used against String fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( String )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( String )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( String )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( String )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [String!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [String!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( String )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( String )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( String )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( String )Greater than or equal to the specified value.
includes ( String )Contains the specified string (case-sensitive).
notIncludes ( String )Does not contain the specified string (case-sensitive).
includesInsensitive ( String )Contains the specified string (case-insensitive).
notIncludesInsensitive ( String )Does not contain the specified string (case-insensitive).
startsWith ( String )Starts with the specified string (case-sensitive).
notStartsWith ( String )Does not start with the specified string (case-sensitive).
startsWithInsensitive ( String )Starts with the specified string (case-insensitive).
notStartsWithInsensitive ( String )Does not start with the specified string (case-insensitive).
endsWith ( String )Ends with the specified string (case-sensitive).
notEndsWith ( String )Does not end with the specified string (case-sensitive).
endsWithInsensitive ( String )Ends with the specified string (case-insensitive).
notEndsWithInsensitive ( String )Does not end with the specified string (case-insensitive).
like ( String )Matches the specified pattern (case-sensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
notLike ( String )Does not match the specified pattern (case-sensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
likeInsensitive ( String )Matches the specified pattern (case-insensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
notLikeInsensitive ( String )Does not match the specified pattern (case-insensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
equalToInsensitive ( String )Equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).
notEqualToInsensitive ( String )Not equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).
distinctFromInsensitive ( String )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value (case-insensitive).
notDistinctFromInsensitive ( String )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value (case-insensitive).
inInsensitive ( [String!] )Included in the specified list (case-insensitive).
notInInsensitive ( [String!] )Not included in the specified list (case-insensitive).
lessThanInsensitive ( String )Less than the specified value (case-insensitive).
lessThanOrEqualToInsensitive ( String )Less than or equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).
greaterThanInsensitive ( String )Greater than the specified value (case-insensitive).
greaterThanOrEqualToInsensitive ( String )Greater than or equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).


A filter to be used against String List fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( [String] )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( [String] )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( [String] )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( [String] )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
lessThan ( [String] )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( [String] )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( [String] )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( [String] )Greater than or equal to the specified value.
contains ( [String] )Contains the specified list of values.
containedBy ( [String] )Contained by the specified list of values.
overlaps ( [String] )Overlaps the specified list of values.
anyEqualTo ( String )Any array item is equal to the specified value.
anyNotEqualTo ( String )Any array item is not equal to the specified value.
anyLessThan ( String )Any array item is less than the specified value.
anyLessThanOrEqualTo ( String )Any array item is less than or equal to the specified value.
anyGreaterThan ( String )Any array item is greater than the specified value.
anyGreaterThanOrEqualTo ( String )Any array item is greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against Tab object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


tabId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
tabUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s tabUuid field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
total ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s total field.
subtotal ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s subtotal field.
tax ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s tax field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
status ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s status field.
opened ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s opened field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscalDay field.
externalTabId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s externalTabId field.
autograt ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s autograt field.
balanceDue ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s balanceDue field.
autogratDue ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratDue field.
gotabOrder ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s gotabOrder field.
customerId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s customerId field.
segmentIds ( [BigInt] )Checks for equality with the object’s segmentIds field.
taxExemptionId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s taxExemptionId field.
tabMode ( TabMode )Checks for equality with the object’s tabMode field.
disableProductTags ( [String] )Checks for equality with the object’s disableProductTags field.
discoverableTo ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s discoverableTo field.
tippedSubtotal ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s tippedSubtotal field.


A filter to be used against Tab object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


tabId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s tabId field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
tabUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s tabUuid field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
total ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s total field.
subtotal ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s subtotal field.
tax ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s tax field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
status ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s status field.
opened ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s opened field.
fiscalDay ( DateFilter )Filter by the object’s fiscalDay field.
externalTabId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s externalTabId field.
autograt ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s autograt field.
balanceDue ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s balanceDue field.
autogratDue ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s autogratDue field.
gotabOrder ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s gotabOrder field.
customerId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s customerId field.
segmentIds ( BigIntListFilter )Filter by the object’s segmentIds field.
taxExemptionId ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s taxExemptionId field.
tabMode ( TabModeFilter )Filter by the object’s tabMode field.
disableProductTags ( StringListFilter )Filter by the object’s disableProductTags field.
discoverableTo ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s discoverableTo field.
tippedSubtotal ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s tippedSubtotal field.
closed ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s closed field.
numGuests ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s numGuests field.
orderType ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s orderType field.
and ( [TabFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [TabFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( TabFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against TabMode fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( TabMode )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( TabMode )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( TabMode )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( TabMode )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [TabMode!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [TabMode!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( TabMode )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( TabMode )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( TabMode )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( TabMode )Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A condition to be used against Tab object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


autograt ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s autograt field.
autogratDue ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratDue field.
autogratTax ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratTax field.
balanceDue ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s balanceDue field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
customerId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s customerId field.
disableProductTags ( [String] )Checks for equality with the object’s disableProductTags field.
discoverableTo ( DateTime)Checks for equality with the object’s discoverableTo field.
externalTabId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s externalTabId field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscalDay field.
gotabOrder ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s gotabOrder field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
opened ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s opened field.
segmentIds ( [BigInt] )Checks for equality with the object’s segmentIds field.
status ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s status field.
subtotal ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s subtotal field.
tabId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s tabId field.
tabMode ( TabMode )Checks for equality with the object’s tabMode field.
tabUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s tabUuid field.
tax ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s tax field.
taxExemptionId ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s taxExemptionId field.
tippedSubtotal ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s tippedSubtotal field.
total ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s total field.


A filter to be used against Tax object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


and ( [TaxFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
created ( DateTimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
not ( TaxFilter )Negates the expression.
or ( TaxFilter )Checks for any expressions in this list.
rate ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s rate field.
taxId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s taxId field.
taxUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s taxUuid field.


A condition to be used against TaxRate object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


detail ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s detail field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
rate ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s rate field.
taxRateId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s taxRateId field.
taxRateUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s taxRateUuid field.


A filter to be used against TaxRate object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


and ( [TaxRateFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
detail ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s detail field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
not ( TaxRateFilter )Negates the expression.
or ( [TaxRateFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
rate ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s rate field.
taxRateId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s taxRateId field.
taxRateUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s taxRateUuid field.


A condition to be used against TimeEntry object types. All fields are tested
for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


timeEntryId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s timeEntryId field.
timeShiftId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s timeShiftId field.
timePunchEntryUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s timePunchEntryUuid field.
paidDuration ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s paidDuration field.
unpaidDuration ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s unpaidDuration field.
totalDuration ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s totalDuration field.
punchIn ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s punchIn field.
punchOut ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s punchOut field.
timePunchTypeId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s timePunchTypeId field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
userId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s userId field.
userRoleId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s userRoleId field.
fiscalDay ( Date )Checks for equality with the object’s fiscalDay field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
rate ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s rate field.
autoClosed ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s autoClosed field.


A filter to be used against TimeEntry object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


timeEntryId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s timeEntryId field.
timeShiftId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s timeShiftId field.
timePunchEntryUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s timePunchEntryUuid field.
paidDuration ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s paidDuration field.
unpaidDuration ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s unpaidDuration field.
totalDuration ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s totalDuration field.
punchIn ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s punchIn field.
punchOut ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s punchOut field.
timePunchTypeId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s timePunchTypeId field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
userId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s userId field.
userRoleId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s userRoleId field.
fiscalDay ( DateFilter )Filter by the object’s fiscalDay field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
rate ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s rate field.
autoClosed ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s autoClosed field.
isShift ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s isShift field.
and ( [TimeEntryFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [TimeEntryFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( TimeEntryFilter )Negates the expression.


A condition to be used against TimePunchType object types. All fields are
tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


timePunchTypeId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s timePunchTypeId field.
timePunchTypeUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s timePunchTypeUuid field.
timePunchTypeName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s timePunchTypeName field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
isPaid ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s isPaid field.
isShift ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s isShift field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
minDuration ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s minDuration field.


A filter to be used against TimePunchType object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


timePunchTypeId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s timePunchTypeId field.
timePunchTypeUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s timePunchTypeUuid field.
timePunchTypeName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s timePunchTypeName field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
isPaid ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s isPaid field.
isShift ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s isShift field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
minDuration ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s minDuration field.
and ( [TimePunchTypeFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [TimePunchTypeFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( TimePunchTypeFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against TransferMode fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


distinctFrom ( [TransferMode!] )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
equalTo ( TransferMode )Equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( TransferMode )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( TransferMode )Greater than or equal to the specified value.
in ( [TransferMode!] )Included in the specified list.
isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
lessThan ( TransferMode )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( TransferMode )Less than or equal to the specified value.
notDistinctFrom ( TransferMode )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notEqualTo ( TransferMode )Not equal to the specified value.
notIn ( [TransferMode!] )Not included in the specified list.


A condition to be used against UserRole object types. All fields are tested
for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


userRoleId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s userRoleId field.
userRoleUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s userRoleUuid field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
roleName ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s roleName field.
acl ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s acl field.
created ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
rate ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s rate field.


A filter to be used against UserRole object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


userRoleId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s userRoleId field.
userRoleUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s userRoleUuid field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
roleName ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s roleName field.
acl ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s acl field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
rate ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s rate field.
and ( [UserRoleFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [UserRoleFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( UserRoleFilter )Negates the expression.


A condition to be used against VariantInventory object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


archived ( Datetime )Checks for equality with the object’s archived field.
created ( DateTime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
detached ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s detached field.
idealReservedQuantity ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s idealReservedQuantity field.
impactsAvailability ( ImpactsAvailabilityType )Checks for equality with the object’s impactsAvailability field.
instructionComponents ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s instructionComponents field.
instructionId( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s instructionId field.
inventoryId( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s inventoryId field.
inventoryLevel ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s inventoryLevel field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
lowLevelComponents ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s lowLevelComponents field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
nextLevelComponents ( JSON )Checks for equality with the object’s nextLevelComponents field.
partLevel( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s parLevel field.
parentProductId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s parentProductId field.
pathComponents ( [BigInt] )Checks for equality with the object’s pathComponents field.
price ( Int )Checks for equality with the object’s price field.
reservedQuantity ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s reservedQuantity field.
sku ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s sku field.
stockLevel ( BigFloat )Checks for equality with the object’s stockLevel field.
tracked ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s tracked field.
type ( InventoryType )Checks for equality with the object’s type field.
units ( InventoryUnits )Checks for equality with the object’s units field.


A filter to be used against VariantInventory object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


and ( [VariantInventoryFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
archived ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s archived field.
created ( DateTimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
detached ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s detached field.
idealReservedQuantity ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the with the object’s idealReservedQuantity field.
impactsAvailability ( ImpactsAvailabilityTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s impactsAvailability field.
instructionComponents ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s instructionComponents field.
instructionId( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s instructionId field.
inventoryId( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s inventoryId field.
inventoryLevel ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s inventoryLevel field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
lowLevelComponents ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s lowLevelComponents field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
nextLevelComponents ( JSONFilter )Filter by the object’s nextLevelComponents field.
not ( DatetimeFilter )Negates the expression.
or ( DatetimeFilter )Checks for any expressions in this list.
partLevel( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s parLevel field.
parentProductId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s parentProductId field.
pathComponents ( [BigIntFilter] )Filter by the object’s pathComponents field.
price ( IntFilter )Filter by the object’s price field.
reservedQuantity ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s reservedQuantity field.
sku ( StringFilter )Checks for equality with the object’s sku field.
stockLevel ( BigFloatFilter )Filter by the object’s stockLevel field.
tracked ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s tracked field.
type ( InventoryTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s type field.
units ( InventoryUnitsFilter )Filter by the object’s units field.


A condition to be used against Zone object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’


asapOrderingEnabled ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s asapOrderingEnabled field.
autogratId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s autogratId field.
created ( DateTime )Checks for equality with the object’s created field.
displayOrder ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s displayOrder field.
locationId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s locationId field.
name ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s name field.
openTabOnly ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s openTabOnly field.
requireNameOnScan ( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s requireNameOnScan field.
requireAddress( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s requiresAddress field.
serverTabsDiscoverable( Boolean )Checks for equality with the object’s serverTabsDiscoverable field.
type ( ZoneType )Checks for equality with the object’s type field.
zoneId ( BigInt )Checks for equality with the object’s zoneId field.
zoneUuid ( String )Checks for equality with the object’s zoneUuid field.


A filter to be used against Zone object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


zoneId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s zoneId field.
locationId ( BigIntFilter )Filter by the object’s locationId field.
name ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s name field.
created ( DatetimeFilter )Filter by the object’s created field.
requiresAddress ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s requiresAddress field.
type ( ZoneTypeFilter )Filter by the object’s type field.
asapOrderingEnabled ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s asapOrderingEnabled field.
requireNameOnScan ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s requireNameOnScan field.
serverTabsDiscoverable ( BooleanFilter )Filter by the object’s serverTabsDiscoverable field.
zoneUuid ( StringFilter )Filter by the object’s zoneUuid field.
and ( [ZoneFilter!] )Checks for all expressions in this list.
or ( [ZoneFilter!] )Checks for any expressions in this list.
not ( ZoneFilter )Negates the expression.


A filter to be used against ZoneType fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’


isNull ( Boolean )Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).
equalTo ( ZoneType )Equal to the specified value.
notEqualTo ( ZoneType )Not equal to the specified value.
distinctFrom ( ZoneType )Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFrom ( ZoneType )Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in ( [ZoneType!] )Included in the specified list.
notIn ( [ZoneType!] )Not included in the specified list.
lessThan ( ZoneType )Less than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualTo ( ZoneType )Less than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThan ( ZoneType )Greater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualTo ( ZoneType )Greater than or equal to the specified value.